The World Magical of English



This content describes the definition of communicative competence and main communication skills in different countries around the world.
Communicative language teaching involves developing language proficiency through  interactions embedded in meaningful contexts. This approach to teaching provides authentic opportunities for learning that go beyond repetition and memorization of grammatical patterns in isolation. A central concept of the communicative approach to language teaching is communicative competence: the learner’s ability to understand and use language appropriately to communicate in authentic (rather than simulated) social and school environments.


Communication skills can be defined as a set of skills that enable a person to communicate adequately. According to Hymes, the creator of this concept, communication skills consist of knowing "when to talk, when not, and what to talk about, with whom, when, where and in what form".

We interact constantly with other people and we cannot stop expressing ourselves. Consequently, mastering these skills is fundamental to our personal and social development. We use them when speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Main Communication Skills:

1. Communication skills at work

It does not always take the merit who has worked more or better. Sometimes, what matters is how ideas are sold and the power of persuasion. Communication skills allow us to develop our influence techniques and reach the public better.
At a professional level, it is essential to know how to properly cope with peers, make sound decisions even in situations of stress and measure up at all levels. This is one of the reasons why communication skills in the CV are increasingly valued.

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2. Communication Skills in Education

We can train these skills from childhood. In fact, it is the most appropriate for us to develop naturally and our adaptation to the environment is optimal. Communicating well improves our personal relationships and our well-being. It makes us feel competent.
It is essential to include these skills in teaching. If we try to ensure that children are able to communicate without problems, we will achieve that they are autonomous, resolute and satisfied people. Likewise, we will be able to improve our interactions with the children if they understand better what we say, they internalize it and they clearly express what they think.

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3. Communication skills in everyday life

From the smallest interaction to the most complicated one, we need to know how to express.Being able to communicate effectively is the most important of all life skills.
The ability to communicate information accurately, clearly and as intended, is a vital life skill and something that should not be overlooked. It’s never too late to work on your communication skills and by doing so improve your quality of life.

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10 Characteristics of a person with good communication skills

1. They are observers
Good communicators know how to anticipate the reactions of others, recognize them and modify their discourse.

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2. They can interpret the context
They are characterized because they are curious about the world and adapt to individual, social and cultural differences. Imagine that you travel to an Asian country and you notice that its inhabitants feel uncomfortable talking to you. It is probably because they consider disrespectful to stare into the eyes.

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3. They are respectful
He is able to talk to people with whom he disagrees and not lose education. Good communicators accept the other person's point of view and make their arguments kindly.

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4. They are emotionally intelligent
 They know what questions they have to ask their audience, how to approach it and also when it is preferable to keep quiet.

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 5. They are organized
They order their thoughts before exposing them. They think before they speak and they are not afraid to admit that they do not know something.

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6. They are creative
 They have several resources to capture the attention of their audience. They tell stories to generate emotional bonds with their listener.

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7. They are not afraid to be wrong
We cannot have everything under control, no matter how good our communication skills are.

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Types of communication skills

1. Grammatical or linguistic competence
It consists of the integration of the form and the meaning of the language, it includes the phonic level, the lexicon and the grammar.

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2. Sociolinguistic competence
Our language is inseparable from the moment in which it is used. To correctly use this competence, we must be able to understand different expressions depending on the situation in which we observe them.

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3. Discursive competence
It encompasses the skills related to interpreting messages and transmitting different types of discourses in different circumstances.

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4. Strategic competence
Enables failures to be repaired without breaking the course of the conversation.

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Useful tips to improve your communication skills

1.Analyze yourself
Find people in your environment that convey what you want to say and examine their style.

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2.Be simple
Many times "less is more".

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3.Be natural
This does not mean that we are lying. Sometimes we just try to adapt.

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4. Be nice
It may seem obvious. However, sometimes with the rush, stress or bad mood we forget to smile.

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5. Adapt to your interlocutor
Each person has built their reality over the years in a different way.

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6. Test relaxation techniques
The presence of an important evaluation, a demanding public or a person that makes us nervous can diminish our communicative competences.

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7. Look for inspiration
Currently we can find an immensity of articles and books that teach us to improve our communication skills.

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8. Remember the power of images
If you have to make a presentation or the occasion allows, lean on visual resources.

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9. Enjoy communicating
Communication is not only a means; it can also be enjoyed. He is always at our best moments.

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You can observe a video of the communication between a native speaker of english and students of the english language. They realized some questions about the life of native speaker (who is a english teacher australian). I hope you listen and enjoy the video. This video can help you to improve your communication skills. Thank you

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